Winthrop Chemistry Students Selected for External Summer 2010 Research Fellowships (9/11/10)

Six Winthrop University chemistry majors were awarded summer 2010 research fellowships to study at other universities.  Most of these positions were nationally advertised and competitively selected—in several cases, there were over 10 applications for each opening--Congratulations to these individuals and great job this summer!!!


Katie Bolling, a junior chemistry major, conducted research on an NSF REU summer fellowship with the Department of Materials Engineering at the University of Minnesota.


Jessica Creel, a junior chemistry major, was awarded a summer research fellowship for cancer research at the Medical University of South Carolina.


Zach Curry, a junior chemistry major, was awarded a Pediatric Oncology Education Fellowship at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.


Christine Harvey, a junior chemistry major, was awarded a summer research fellowship at Emory University in the laboratory of Dr. Trent Spencer.

Kevin Ryan, a senior chemistry major, spent the summer at the University of Idaho environmental science laboratory on an NSF REU fellowship.


Cameron Waller, a senior chemistry major, earned a summer bioremediation research fellowship with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Brigham Young University.