Dr. Scott Werts


Assistant Professor of Geology

Department of Chemistry, Physics and Geology

Winthrop University

Rock Hill, SC. 29733

(803) 323-4930




Office: Sims 213A

Lab: Sims 210 and 110



Research Interests

My research interests lie primarily in the fields of geobiology and paleoclimatology.  Geobiology is the study of earth/life interactions.  Because soil is the main interface between biology and geology in the terrestrial realm, I have a keen interest in researching this thin skin of the Earth.  My main research tool in these investigations is the use of stable isotope geochemistry, most frequently carbon, oxygen and deuterium.  Some of my current projects involve evaluating the effect of varying parent material on soil formation in central New Mexico, carbon sequestration in the various soils of the Carolina peidmont and the effects of fire events on carbon in the mineral horizons of common soils.  I am also beginning work on developing paleoclimate records utilizing fossil shark teeth. 



Johns Hopkins University, PhD.  Geobiology

Johns Hopkins University, MA.   Geobiology

Penn State University, BS. Geology



Current:  Matthew Milligan


Courses I Teach

Physical Geology: GEOL 110

Physical Geology Lab:  GEOL 113

Earth and Space Systems: GEOL 250

Earth and Space Systems Lab: GEOL 251

Fundamentals of Geochemistry:  GEOL 335

Hydrogeology: GEOL 340


Field Sites

Soil Chronosequence in Appalachians of Maryland

Paleoclimate work at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland

Lithosequence at Mountainair, New Mexico

Peat Fields of County Kerry, Ireland


A Brief Vita

Werts Vita