Chem 305

Homework Assignments Spring 2009


All homework assignments must be typed, 12-pt font. 


Homework Assignment 1: Section 2C (pp 30-31) (10 pts)

            This assignment is due 30 January 2009.


 Homework Assignment 2: Precautionary Labels (10 pts)

This assignment is due 30 January 2009. 


Find the following information for glacial acetic acid:


i.        The NFPA hazard diamond (include numerical rating and color coding)

a.        indicate what each rating indicates

b.       What is the difference between the NFPA ratings and the hazardous materials identification system?


ii.      Go to the DOT Hazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101) at and find the following information for acetic acid.  Be sure to indicate what each of the following represents.

a.       The hazard class and division

b.      The label code

c.       Identification number

d.      The packing group

Once at the department of transportation website, click on Dockets and Regulations and then Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

The DOT Hazardous Materials Table is in Title 49 Transportation, part 172.101.


Homework Assignment 3: MSDS’s (10 pts)

            This assignment is due 6 February 2009.


Find two MSDS’S for your assigned chemical and then find the following information:

  1.  CAS number
  2. the NFPA ratings and/or the HMIS ratings
  3. What do the abbreviations PEL, TLV, STEL, and TLV-C stand for?  What do these values mean?  Is there a PEL, TLV, STEL or TLV-C for the chemical?
  4. What are the upper and lower flammable limits for the chemical?
  5. What are the personal protective equipment requirements for the chemical?  Is there any information here that is beyond the basic personal protective equipment?
  6. Explain what each of the following value signifies:  LD50, LC50, LC50, LD50, TDLO. Are there values reported for this chemical for any of these? Is there any information in this section that would indicate that this is very hazardous chemical to work with?
  7. What is the chemical’s carcinogenic classification?  What does this classification indicate?
  8. Does the MSDS provide transportation information about the chemical?  If so, how does this chemical need to be labeled when it is shipped?  What is it packing group?  Hazard class?  What do these values mean?
  9. Answer questions 1-7 in Exercise 3D on page 64
  10. After thoroughly reading the MSDS, what do you think about working with this chemical??  Is there any information on this MSDS that would alert you to the fact that this is a hazardous, particularly dangerous substance to work with?


Homework Assignment 4: Exposure Limits (15 pts)

            This assignment is due 13 March 2009


Homework Assignment 5: Personal Protective Equipment (10 pts)

            This assignment is due 27 February 2009.


Find an example of an incident where either the use or absence of proper personal protective equipment played a significant role in the outcome of the incident.  Write a short summary of the incident and share your example in class.


Homework Assignment 6: Section 4B: Eye and Face Protection (p. 78) (5 pts)

            This assignment is due 27 February 2009.