Project V:  Identification, Properties and Synthesis of an Unknown Organic Compound

For project IV, we will follow the lab on page 135 of the Cooperative Chemistry Laboratory Manual, 5th edition with some modifications. For this experiment, your group will be given an unknown organic compound.  There are three goals to this project.


Goal 1:  Identify the Unknown Compound

·         The unknown organic compound will be one of 8 possible compounds.

·         There will be samples of compounds with the possible functional groups.

·         When using a technique for the first time, you will want to perform the test on a known compound before performing the test on your unknown.

·         There is information in the lab manual that will be useful in deciding what tests to perform in order to identify your unknown compound.

·         Before conducting any experimental work, look up the hazard warnings for each of the possible 8 organic compounds and provide the NFPA health rating and flammability rating for each.  See Goal 3.


Goal 2:  Chemical and Physical Properties

·         You will need to discover as many chemical and physical properties as possible using the chemicals and equipment available in the lab.


 Goal 3:  Literature Search

·         Goal 3 requires you to use various reference sources for finding scientific data.  This is an individual assignment.  Each member of your group must conduct their own literature search.

o    Look up a SDS for each of the possible 8 organic compounds.

o    What are the NFPA health and flammability ratings?


Grading Project V:

·         Prelab Assignments

·         Notebook

o    Descriptive Table of Contents

o    Numbered pages

o    Include date data was collected

o    Raw data recorded

o    Procedures and observations recorded

o    Write in ink

o    Mistakes crossed out appropriately

·         Weekly Reports

·         Peer Evaluation

·         Oral Report

Safety Precautions:


Background Reading and Practice Problems:

Cooperative Chemistry Laboratory Manual

·         Project 14:  Identification, Properties and Synthesis of an Unknown Organic Compound

·         There is information in the lab manual that will help you figure out how to indentify an unknown organic compound