CHEM 107 – General Chemistry Lab I

Acid/Base Titration Pre-Lab Assignment

 Before coming to lab, you should:

  1. Get the handout labeled Acid/Base Titration off the Internet. The procedure you will follow will come from this handout. The reading assignment in the lab manual will be used for background information.
  2. Read the handout and the background reading assignment, so that you understand all procedures and calculations. You will want to be able to get right to work and not spend your time deciding what to do. This is a long lab. If you do not come to lab prepared, you will have a hard time finishing the lab.
  3. Answer the following neatly on a separate sheet of paper: (due at the beginning of lab)
    1. (1 pt)  What is the unknown in this experiment?  Why is it referred to as the unknown?
    2. (2 pt)  Define the following terms:

a)  titration        b)  titrant

    1. (1 pts)  How will you determine when the equivalence point is reached?
    2. (2 pts)  What two pieces of glassware will you use to quantitatively measure the volumes of the two reactants in this reaction?
    3. (4 pts)  In step 7 of the experimental procedures, it says to titrate the acid.  Specifically outline what you will do at this point in the experiment.