Section 003

Spring 2012

Instructor: Dr. Snyder                                                                                                                                  
E-mail Address:
Office: 109B Sims
Office Hours:  M 1:00-2:00, W 10:30-11:30; or by appointment
Course Credit Hours: 4

Lecture: MF 9:00-10:40 am, W 9:00-9:50 am Sims 105

Required Textbook:

●    General Chemistry, McQuarrie, Rock and Gallogly, 4th edition

    Sapling Learning’s online homework


Course Goals:

●    This course will cover some basic concepts of chemistry.   Some of these concepts will be expanded upon in lab and will serve as a foundation for future chemistry courses.
●    Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles presented in each of the following chapters.
●    Develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills


 Course Outline:In the first semester of general chemistry, we will examine the following topics as time permits:

●    The Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table
●    Structure and Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds
●    Thermodynamics
●    Stoichiometry
●    Intermolecular Forces
●    Chemical Equilibrium
●    Nuclear Chemistry
●    Electrochemistry

Class Preparation: You will get more from a class period if you spend time preparing ahead of time. Therefore, you should:

●    Read assignments before class.  This will give you a better understanding of the topics being discussed and you will be able to take better notes. 

●    Attend class.  If you miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain lecture notes from another student in the class. 

●    Devote time to class each day.  This is a rigorous course that requires daily preparation.  Work homework problems daily.

●    Take good notes.  I highly recommend rewriting your notes as soon as possible after class. 


Recitation:  The first 15 minutes of class will be devoted to recitation.  This will be a time to ask questions about lecture material and/or homework problems.  You can ask directly in class or you can post your question in Blackboard.  I will create a weekly discussion forum (click Discussions on the Course Menu) where you can post a question and we will address the question during the next class.

Exams and Grading:

1.       There will be three exams worth 100 points. No make-up exams will be given.  Tentative exam dates are noted on the schedule.  If you miss an exam with a valid excuse, the missed exam grade will be replaced with your final exam grade scaled to 100 points.


2.       There will be a comprehensive final exam, worth 200 points.  You must take the final exam and make at least a 50% on the final in order to pass the course.

3.       There will be 7-8 quizzes given throughout the semester worth 25 points each.  See schedule for quiz dates.  Quizzes will be given at the end of class and will last approximately 15 minutes.  No make-up quizzes or time extensions will be given.  Your lowest two quiz grade will be dropped before calculating final grades.  If you miss a quiz for any reason, the missed quiz will be the quiz grade that is dropped.  This is a tentative quiz schedule.  The maximum point total for quizzes will not exceed 150 points.  If for some reason we miss a quiz, the point total for quizzes will be adjusted accordingly.


4.       There will be a chapter homework assignment for each chapter.  There will be about 15-18 homework assignments for the semester depending on how many chapters we have time to complete.  Your lowest three homework grades will be dropped prior to calculating your final homework grade.  Homework assignments will be completed through Sapling Learning’s online homework system.   You can purchase a one semester access to Sapling Learning online at or through the bookstore.  Each homework assignment will be worth 100 points.  Your homework grades will be averaged at the end of the semester and scaled to 150 points.  Homework assignments will be due three days after we finish a chapter.  Due dates will be specified at the time the assignment is made and will be indicated in the online homework system.  Late assignments will not be accepted.


5.       You have one week from the time a graded assignment is returned to ask questions about the way it was graded.  After a week, I will not change a grade.


6.       Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A 100-90%; B+ 89-86%; B 85-77%; C+ 76-74%; C 73-66%; D 65-56%


7.       You should carefully read the Winthrop University Student Conduct Code printed in the Winthrop University Student Handbook.  As noted in the Student Conduct Code:  “Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals.” This policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the “Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy” in the online Student Handbook


Total Possible Points

Exams                                                                   300

Final                                                                       200

Quizzes                                                                  150 (max)

Homework                                                           150

Total possible points (max)*                            800


To purchase access to Sapling Learning’s online homework system:

1.        Go to

2.       If you already have a Sapling Learning account, log in, click "View Available Courses", then skip to step 3.

2b.  If you have a Facebook account, you can use it to quickly create a SaplingLearning account. Click "create account" located under the username box, then click "Login with Facebook". The form will auto-fill with information from your Facebook account (you may need to log into Facebook in the popup window first). Choose a password and time zone, accept the site policy agreement, and click "Create my new account". You can then skip to step 3. 

2c. Otherwise, click "create account" located under the username box. Supply the requested information and click "Create my new account". Check your email (and spam filter) for a message from Sapling Learning and click on the link provided in that email.

3. Find your course in the list (listed by school, course, and instructor) and click the link.

4. Select your payment options and follow the remaining instructions.

5. Once you have registered and enrolled, you can log in at any time to complete or review your homework assignments.

6. During sign up - and throughout the term - if you have any technical problems or grading issues, send an email to explaining the issue. The Sapling support team is almost always more able (and faster) to resolve issues than your instructor.


Blackboard:  We will be using Blackboard this semester.   I will post grades and course information in Blackboard.  Some lectures will be PowerPoint presentations which will be posted in Blackboard.  The web address to log into Blackboard is  Login instructions and Blackboard tutorials can be found at

Office Hours:  I will hold office hours in my office on Mondays from 1-2 and Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30.  During these times, you will also be able to ask questions through Blackboard.  I will create a collaboration session which you can join by clicking on Office Hours on the Course Menu.

Grades:  I will not discuss grades through e-mail.   If you have a question about your grade, please stop by my office.

Recommend class materials:  I recommend that you bring your textbook, notes, completed homework problems, and a calculator to every class. 

Exams and Quizzes: You will need a calculator for exams and quizzes.  Cell phones and pagers are strictly prohibited during exams and quizzes.  You cannot use a cell phone as a calculator during exams and quizzes.

Course Withdraw: March 7th is the last day to withdraw from a full fall semester course with an automatic N grade issued.  Students may not withdraw from a course after this date without documented extenuating circumstances as determined by the University.

Communication: If you have any questions, please stop by and see me during office hours. If these hours are not convenient, see me in class or e-mail me to set up an appointment.

Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings. You are responsible for all announcements made in class. Absence or lateness does not excuse you from this responsibility.

Homework: You are expected to complete each reading assignment and all assigned homework and practice problems.  End of chapter practice problems from the textbook will not be collected or graded.

Students with Disabilities:  Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education.  If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 323-3290.  Once you have your official notice of accommodations from the Office of Disability Services, please inform me as early as possible in the semester.

 Note:  This is a working document.  I will change errors as needed.

This is a tentative schedule.  It will change as necessary.   Check Sapling Learning for online homework due dates.


Quizzes  and Exams

Chapter Sections

Homework Problems (Even problems only unless otherwise indicated)

M, 1/9

 W, 1/11

Ch. 1, 2, 3

Ch. 1:  6, 8, 12-18, 24, 30-46, 64, 74, 76

Ch. 2:  8, 20-26, 42-64, 77

Ch. 3:  2, 4, 6, 12, 22, 28, 30, 34, 36

Ch. 6:  4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18

Ch. 10:  2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 24

F, 1/13



Ch. 4:  2, 4, 6, 14-26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 40, 46, 54, 55, 61

M, 1/16

No Class

Martin Luther King Day


W, 1/18

Quiz 1



F, 1/20

M, 1/23

Quiz 2

5.1- 5.12

Ch. 5:  1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18-40, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 56, 58, 60, 62

W, 1/25

F, 1/27

Ch. 6

Ch. 6:  4-18, 24, 26, 30- 44

M, 1/30

Quiz 3

Ch. 7

Ch. 7:  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 46, 48, 50

W, 2/1

F, 2/3

Lewis Structures

M, 2.6

Exam 1


W, 2/8

F, 2/10


Ch. 8:  2-40, 56, 58, 62, 64, 66

Ch. 7:  36, 38

M, 2/13

Quiz 4


W, 2/15

F, 2/17

Ch. 9

Ch. 9:  22-42  Explain bonding for 22, 24, 28, 30; predict hybridization based on the electron pair geometry for 26, 32, 34, 36, 38

M, 2/20

Quiz 5

Ch. 10

Ch. 10:  2-14, 18-30, 34-38, 42-52, 58-66

W, 2/22

F, 2/24

10.11, 24.1-24.2

11.1-11.2, 11.7

Ch. 24:  3, 4, 6, 14, 16, 19, 20

M, 2/27

Quiz 6


Ch. 11:  2, 4, 8, 32-38, 37, 50-62

W, 2/29

F, 3/2

Ch. 12

Ch. 12:  2-10, 16-18, 22-30

M, 3/5

Exam 2

W, 3/7

Withdraw deadline


Ch. 15:  13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

F, 3/9

Ch. 14

Ch. 14: 2, 8, 10, 12, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28-44, 48-58

M, 3/12

W, 3/14

F, 3/16

Spring Break

M, 3/19

W, 3/21

F, 3/23



Ch. 23:  2-12, 16-22, 36 (calc. ΔG0rxn only), 40, 64, 65, 81, 85a

M, 3/26

Quiz 7

Ch. 23


W, 3/28


F, 3/30

Review Ch. 14 & 23

M, 4/2

W, 4/4

F, 4/6

Ch. 19


Ch. 19:  2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 18, 20, 26, 36, 38, 50, 52, 58

Ch. 23:  26, 28, 30, 36, 40, 68, 85a, b

M, 4/9

Quiz 8


Ch. 20:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 1, 20, 22, 24, 26, 2859, 62

W, 4/11

F, 4/13

M, 4/16


Interchapter O


W, 4/18

Exam 3


F, 4/20




M, 4/23



T, 5/1

Final 3:00 PM Sims 105