Study Guide for Part IV

Ch. 8.2--8.5, Some parts of Ch. 9--  Central Forces &  Angular Momentum --- the Hydrogen Atom:

bulletYou have to know the difference between the approaches Bohr and Scrodinger used to deal with the hydrogen atom.
bulletHow do the results obtained by solving  the Scrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom compare eight that of the Bohr model?
bulletWhat are the four quantum numbers associated with the electron in the hydrogen atom?
bulletGiven a radial wave function of the from given in Table 8,4 (page 280) be able to determine at which r adius  the probability for finding the electron peaks (i.e. becomes a maximum).. see you notes for an example.
bulletBe able to write down the eigen values for the squares of L, j, S and L.S
bulletBe able to explain how NMR is used in chemistry and Medicine.( See page 470-472)
bulletHow does the 21 cm hydrogen result? How is it used astronomy? Search the www

Ch: 13  Nuclear Structure  and Ch:14 Nuclear Physics Applications

Click on the URL above and answer the following questions: Your book will
also help ( see page 464)

  1.. State the accomplishments of the following scientists:
    1.. Democritus
    2.. Henrie Becquerel
    3.. J. J. Thomson
    4.. Earnest Rutherford
    5.. Niels Bohr
    6.. Chadwick
    7.. Metiner, Hahn and Strassman
    8.. Enrico Fermi
  1.. List the four fundamental forces of nature? Which force binds nuclei?
  2.. List and identify the three types of radiation.
  3.. Who discovered the formula E =mc2? What ate some of its consequences?
  4.. Which nuclear devices or objects use fission and which use fusion:
    1.. The sun and other stars______________
    2.. Atomic bomb _____________
    3.. Hydrogen bomb_____________
    4.. Nuclear Reactor______________
    5.. Thermonuclear Reactor_______________
  1.. What was the purpose of the Manhattan Project?
  2.. Name the two Japanese cities where atomic bombs were dropped in 1945.
How many died in each city due to these explosions?
  3.. State how nuclear science is used in medicine and archaeology.
  4.. List some advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.
  5.. What is the "Standard Model"?

Visit the following  website

Nuclear Virtual Tourist

bulletBe able to calculate binding energy  ( see eq. 13.4 and example 13.3)
bulletBe able to calcul;ate energy released after fission or fusion using E = mc2
bulletBe able to use the semiemprical binding energy formual ( eq. 137)
bulletBe able to identify  what alpha, beta, and gamma rays are.
bulletBe able to calculate ages of artifacts using radioactive dating? Read about C-14 dating and about determinig the edg eof he earth (page 493-495)
bulletBe able to distinguish between fission and fusion. List some applications of fission and fusion reactions.

Ch:  15 Elementary Particles:

bulletPrint and Study the  the Standard Model and Beyond article
bulletBe able to list the fundamental forces, know their relative strength, their range, and name the particles they exchange
bulletWhat are the dozen or so fundamental particles that the Standard Model is base on?  
bulletWhat do the abbreviations QED, QCD, GSW , SM etc.  stand for?
bulletStudy the Yukawa hypothesis (Section 15.3) it is a good model for demonstrating how forces are generated by exchanging bosons such as the photon in QED, the gluons in QCD, and the W and Z bosons in Weak Interactions.
bulletWhat is the Four -Fermi Interaction? How does it differ from the GSW model?
bulletBe able to define fermions, bosons, baryons, hadrons,leptons etc. Give examples for each
bulletBe able to state the main idea behind String Theory?