PHYS 212: Study Guide for Section III

General Advice

A. Review the key terms, principles, and concepts in your notes..

B. Review the summary of equations at the end of each chapter.

C. Review sample problems done in the book and you notes 

D.  Review homework and recommended end of chapter problems and exercises

E. Be able to state basic principles in words and mathematically.

Ch. 26: DC Circuits

. Key Terms and concepts:     Emf, internal resistance, resistor,  terminal voltage, Kirchhoff's junction and loop rule, Wheatstone Bridge, Potentiometer, RC circuit, Applications of RC circuits
Be able to calculate the equivalent resistance for resistors in series, parallel, and combination. (Section 26-2)
Be able setup a set of simultaneous equations for a circuit that has loops with Emfs and  resistors as well junctions with incoming and outgoing currents. If you have a graphic calculator form HP, TI, Casio etc.. read the section on Matrices, Simultaneous equation Solver, etc. in you calculator manual and then be able to reproduce the results in example 26-6. It is very important that you master how to solve simultaneous equations using you calculator.
Be able to use your calculator's capability to solve simultaneous equations.
Be familiar with RC circuits and some of their important applications. Section(26-4)
Be able to calculate the resistance needed to convert a galvanometer to an ammeter as well as a voltmeter.(Section 26-5)

Ch. 27: Magnetism

Key Terms and Concepts: Magnetic field (B), magnetic field lines, compass, relation between electric currents and magnetic fields, e/m ratio,CRT, spectrometer,  cyclotron. Electromagnets and their application in speakers, generators, electric motors, electric meter, etc.  Read about the   Hall Effect and be able to distinguish between the units Gauss and Tesla for expression B.

Be able to trace the magnetic field of a bar and a horse shoe type magnets.
Look up Oersted in Internet. What is he know n for?
Be able to calculate the magnitude and direction of a force that a moving charge experience when it traverses a magnetic field. i.e,. be able to use F = q(vxB) and the right hand rule. See examples 27-3, to 27-7.
Be able to calculate the magnitude and direction of a force that a current carrying wire experience when it is placed in a magnetic field. i.e,. be able to use F = I(LxB) and the right hand rule. See examples 27-1 and 27-2
Be able to calculate the torque on a current loop place in a magnetic field ( T = NIAxB). (See example 27-5
Be able to derive an expression for  the e/m ratio for a charged  beam in a CRT(Section27-7), mass spectrometer (Section 27-9), as well as some other arrangement that will be derived in class.

Ch. 28: Faraday's Law of Induction (This chapter will be included in Study Guide IV)

Be able to state mathematically and in word's Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law. (section 29-2)
Be able to calculate the EMF induced in a conductor moving accross a magnetic field.(section 29-3)
Be able to derive the EMF   due to a generator -- a coil that rotates inside a magnetic field- using Faraday's Law. Why is the EMF not  a constant.
Be able to explain how transformers step-down and step-up voltage. See example 29-8
Be able to explain the advantages of AC over  DC  generators. see pages 746-747