PHYS 202: Study Guide for Section III

General Advice

A. Review the key terms, principles, and concepts in your notes..

B. Review the summary of equations at the end of each chapter.

C. Review sample problems done in the book and you notes 

D.  Review homework and recommended end of chapter problems and exercises

E. Be able to state basic principles in words and mathematically.

Ch. 21: Magnetic Forces (F) and Magnetic Fields (B) due to electric currents  ( I)

bullet Be able to calculate the  magnitude of a force on a moving charge (F= qvxB) and get it direction using the right hand rule.
bullet Understand how a mass spectrometer works (see section 21.4.
bullet Be able to calculate the force  on a current carrying wire in  magnetic field
bullet Using Amper's Law be able to derive the magnetic field around a straight, very long , current carrying wire .
bullet Using Amper's Law be able to derive the magnetic field inside a very long solenoid and a toroid .
bullet Be able to calculate the force between two parallel  and long current carrying wires
bullet When do two current carrying wires attract each other? When do they repel each other?
bullet Be able to calculate the torque on a current  carrying loop of wires in a magnetic field
bullet Rework all the sample problems in the chapter


Ch. 22: Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's and Lenz's Law of Induction

bullet Be able to state mathematically and in word's Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law.
bullet In the class demonstration, two identical looking blue rods were drooped into an aluminum tube. One of them fell freely while the other one took a very long time to fell through. How is this explained.
bullet Be able to calculate the EMF induced in a conductor moving across a magnetic field.( see sample problems)
bullet Be able to derive the EMF   due to a generator -- a coil that rotates inside a magnetic field- using Faraday's Law. Why is the EMF not  a constant .(work out probelms .At least the sample problems)
bullet Be able to explain the  purpose of the alternator(generat0r ) in your car.
bullet Be able to explain how a step-up and step-down trnasformers work (Section22.9)

Odds and ends

Test #4 will include one question's) form  the last thee experiments such as Image formation by lenses and mirrors ,Optical Instruments, Hydrogen Spectra etc. Test #4 is on Wiley Plus.


Below is the link for physics songs. The songs on Maxwell's equations require knowledge of vector calculus.   This is included for your enjoymnet.

Physics Songs