Study Questions and Study suggestions for Test 1:

Test 1 will cover chapters (0)—Introduction form outside the book, Chapters 1,2, &3 from the book, the movies part I and II (the questionnaires should help) as well as material in the hand outs and lecture notes. Most of the test will consist o multiple choice type questions with a bonus part that will have essay type questions and problems that will require some calculation. This guide is to help you review for the test. I am listing questions and suggestions from each chapter that I believe represent the essentials. This guide is not a replacement for you notes, the textbook, the handouts or the movies. It is not all-inclusive. Properly used, it should help you review the material.


Ch. 0: Introduction

  1. What is: Physics? Mechanics? Dynamics? Kinematics?
  2. What are the three fundamental quantities of mechanics?
  3. What are the SI and British units for the three fundamental quantities?
  4. List some examples of derived quantities.
  5. Is energy a derived or a fundamental quantity.
  6. Be able state the three Newton’s three laws of motion.
  7. Using Newton’s first law:
  8. a. Define force b. Define inertia and mass

    c. Be able to explain how Newton’s 1st law tell us we should wear our seat belts.

  9. Define force using Newton’s 1st law.
  10. Define inertia and/or using the 1st law of motion
  11. Explain why you believe planets require force to orbit the sun.
  12. If a 1000 kg car accelerates at 2.5 m/s/s/, what is the accelerating force?
  13. If a 1000 kg is moving at 20 m/s, what is its kinetic energy?
  14. If the 1000 kg goes up a hill that is 50meters high, what is its increase in potential energy?
  15. If a 1 kg mass is converted to energy use the famous formula E =mc 2 to calculate the energy generated. What are some of the consequences of this formula?
  16. List some examples that illustrate the Newton’s 3rd law of motion.

Ch. 1 Energy Fundamentals

  1. List a single source of energy(fuel) that is not traceable to the sun.
  2. Where does our Earth get its energy from?
  3. How does the sun generate its energy?
  4. Explain briefly how plants produce food (our fuel) for us.
  5. List a number of fossil fuels. How and approximately how long ago were this fuels formed.?
  6. Define : energy, work, kinetic energy, potential energy, and power
  7. What did the following scientists discover or invent ?
  8. Galilee Newton Rumford Joule Watt Einstein

  9. State at least six form of energy.
  10. Define:1 Newton1 Joule1 Watt1 calorie1 Calorie1 BTU1 foot-pound1 horse power1 QBTU1 tcf
  11. State the conservation of energy principle and compare it with the 1st law of thermodynamics.
  12. Describe the transformation of energy that takes place in a battery, photosynthesis, food digestion, nuclear reactor, the hydrologic cycle, hydroelectric power, wind mill, you car , seam engine, water wheel, burning fossil fuels etc.
  13. List some examples of renewable and nonrenewable energy resource.
  14. Study Fig. 1.5 . From this figure, Calculate the % of coal, natural gas and oil used in the USA.
  15. What % of the total energy in Fig. 1.5 is used by ; Residential and commercial, by industry and for transportation
  16. Each person in the US consumes energy equivalent of 61 barrels per year. See fig.1.6, If 1barrel = 42 gallons, at today’s gasoline prices, estimate how much this costs per year.
  17. Explain why USA and Canada use so much energy compared to other industrialized countries that have about the same or higher GDP. See Fig 1.3
  18. Be able to define the key terms in page 27.
  19. Recommended end of chapter questions and problems (Q&Ps ) from pages 28-29: 3, 5, 6;
  20. Recommended Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):pages 29-31: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14


Ch. 2: Fossils Fuels

  1. List three major types of fossils fuels.
  2. State some of the problems associated with using fossil fuels.
  3. What forced the English to shift from using wood to using coal?
  4. When, where, and by whom was the first oil well drilled?
  5. What was the type of oil considered valuable at first?
  6. What caused people to prefer gasoline to kerosene?
  7. Oil was at first needed mostly for lighting and cooking. Why didn’t he demand die down after Alva Elision started wiring cities so they could use electricity for almost everything?
  8. What does Q8 stand for in relation to fossil fuels resources?
  9. How does one arrive at the conclusion that if the US does not import oil. Its oil reserves will last no more than 20 years?
  10. Based on Hubbert's estimates when does oil production peak? How long will oil last at present rate of usage?
  11. Based on Edward’s revised estimates when does oil production peak? How long wills it last?
  12. Write the question" How long will oil last?" as your key word and search the web. Write your the most optimistic finding. Repeat the search for coal and natural gas and take notes.
  13. What is the olduvai theory? Search for olduvai theory in the web and take notes.
  14. After the primary and secondary oil recovery methods what % of the oil is left underground? What can be done to recover more oil?
  15. Compared to typical oil in the US how much more does typical oil in Saudi Arabia produce?
  16. How is crude oil separated into products such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc., during the refining process.
  17. Which country produces about 25% of the world oil? Which country consumes about 25% of the world oil? Look at this link.
  18. The numbers of cars in the US has increased greatly since 1973. However, the rate of oil consumption has only increased slightly? Explain how this is possible.
  19. Which countries were using natural gas around 600 BC
  20. Why is natural gas preferred over coal for use in power plants.
  21. How long is natural gas expected to last.
  22. How long a go were, oil, natural gas, coal, and shale oil formed?
  23. What type of coal is considered high grade? Why?
  24. Look at table 2.6 and list the types of coal with the most carbon content and the list sulfur content.
  25. From table 2.6, in which state is coal of high quality (high C and low S) and the poorest quality (low C and high S). Why is high C good and high S bad? (C = Carbon, S = Sulfur)
  26. Which two countries have the most coal reserves. What % of the world coal reserves does the US have. How could it last it according some estimates.
  27. Rank the three major fossil fuels in terns carbon dioxide emission—most to least.
  28. What is oil shale and how can it be used? How many tons of shale oil is needed to produce 25 gallons of gasoline?
  29. What are tar sands? Where are they found?
  30. Define the terms: Marlstone, Kerogen, Retorting , Polymerization, thermal Cracking
  31. Be able to define the key terms listed in page 59.
  32. Suggested Q&Ps from page 60: 3, 6, 10,
  33. Suggested MCQs from page 61-63: 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14,15, 16,17,18


Ch. 3: Heat Engines

  1. State the second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy and also using of the Carnot engine.
  2. Define entropy and state some of its consequences and implications.
  3. Be able to convert degree Celsius to Kelvin and also degree Fahrenheit to Celsius and then to Kelvin.
  4. Be able to calculate the Carnot efficiency of an ideal heat engine.
  5. Give example of external combustion and internal combustion heat engines. How are they different?
  6. How does a diesel engine differ from a gasoline engine?
  7. How are fossil and nuclear fuels used in power plants?
  8. How does a gas turbine differ from a steam turbine?
  9. Be able to calculate the C.O.P refrigerators, freezers air conditioners and heat pumps.
  10. Read section 3.7. What is the benefit of a cogeneration natural gas powered power plant such as that shown in Fig. 3.13
  11. Define the key terms listed in page 84.
  12. Suggested Q&Ps from p. 85-86: 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14,
  13. Suggested MCQs from p. 86 –89: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 21