Two-Nucleon Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials (NN-SWEPs), Presented at Louisiana University. Lafayette. Nov. 16, 2006

Two-Nucleon Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials (NN-SWEPs). Presented at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), UCSB, July 23, 2003

PPT, Audio and Video of the KITP presentations available online

The Standard Model and Beyond: A descriptive account of fundamental Particles and the quest for the unification of their interactions. An invited paper presented at the 2000 National Society Black Physicists (NSBP) Meeting (Greensboro, NC, March 16- 18, 2000).

The Deuteron: A Two-Point Boundary Value Eigensystem in Configuration Space. A paper presented at the 1999 Centennial American Physical Society Meeting.

"The Strong Nuclear Force and other Fundamental Forces", a one-hour colloquium presented at Clemson U, Oct 23, 1997.

"Two-Nucleon Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials", an invited paper presented to mostly NSF grantees audience at "Together We Can Make in S. Carolina -- A state wide conference on math, science, and engineering". October 27--28, 1995. Columbia SC (Co-convened by USC and Quality Education for Minorities Network)

"Solitary Wave NN Potentials", presented at the German Physical Society Spring Meeting, March 1995, Cologne.

(With L. Jäde, M. Sander, & H.v. Geramb of Hamburg U; and P. B. Burt of Clemson U.)

"Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials", An invited paper presented at a special theoretical symposium in honor of Prof. P. B. Burt of Clemson at his 60th Birthday, Sept 16, 1994, Univ. of Georgia.

"The Fundamental Forces of Nature", A one-hour Colloquium at NCA&T, Oct. 26, 1993

"The Standard Model and Beyond: a descriptive account of fundamental particles and their interactions. Plenary talk at SACS-AAPT Spring Meeting, April 1993,"

"The Strong Force and Other Fundamental Forces": Colloquium, Davidson College, NC, Sept, 199

"Sufficient Intermediate Attraction and Short Range Repulsion in Even Two-Nucleon Potentials due to Nonlinear Pionic Effects." Presented at the XII International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC XII), M. I. T., June 25 - 29, 1990. A Two-page summary is included in the PANIC II compilation of contributed papers.

"Two-Nucleon Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials (SWEPs)": A Colloquium presented at the Clemson University Physics Department. April 26, 1990.

The following three papers were presented at the XII International Conference in Few-Body Problems in Physics, Vancouver B.C. Canada, July 2-8, 1989. A two-page summary of the papers in the TRIUMF Report of Few-Body XII contributed papers.

"Nonstatic Two-Nucleon Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials with Mixed Coupling."

"Properly Normalized Solitary Wave Exchange NN Potentials (PSWEPs)."

( with P.B. Burt of Clemson University.)

"Advantages of Using Least-Squares for Extracting Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts." (With W. E. Gettys of Clemson University.)

"Three Ways to Extract Phase Shifts Using Micro-Speakeasy." Presented at the 55th meeting of South Eastern Section of APS, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 10 - 12, 1988. Abstract published in Bulletin of APS 33, 2199 (1988)

"Least Square Fit Versus the Logarithmic Derivative Method for the Calculation of Phase Shifts." (With W. E. Gettys). Presented at the 53rd meeting of the South Eastern Section of APS (SESAPS), Williamsburg, VA, Nov. 1987. Abstract published in Bulletin of APS 31, 1758 (1986)

"Effects of Proper Normalization and Type of Coupling on SWEPs" (with P. B. Burt). 52nd Meeting of SESAPS, Athens, Ga. Dec. 1985.

"Proper Normalization and Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials" (with P. B. Burt). 51st meeting of SESAPS, Memphis, TN. Oct. 24 - 28, 1984.

"The Least Square Fit Method for the Calculation of Phase Shifts" (With W. E. Gettys). 51st meeting of SESAPS, Memphis, TN. Oct. 24 - 28, 1985.

"Microcomputer Calculation of 1S0 -State Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts due to SWEPs." 49th Meeting of SESAPs, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 30, 1982. Abstract Published in Bulletin of APS 27, 752 (1983).

"Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts due to SWEPS". A Colloquium presented at the Clemson University Physics Department. Sept. 17, 1982.

"Relative Acceleration". A paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the South Atlantic Section of AAPT. Columbia, SC, March, 1982.

"Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials for Non-Static two Nucleon Systems." (With P. B. Burt) Presented at the 48th Meeting of SESAPS. Chapel Hill, NC. Fall 1981. Abstract Published in Bulletin Of APS 26, 86 (1981)

"Generalized sine-Gordon Equation (GSGE): its derivation, solution and special cases with application in N-N interactions." ( With J.L. Reid). The Georgia Workshop in Mathematical Physics, Athens, Ga. (1979)

"A Quantized Solitary Wave Exchange Approach to Nonlinear Meson Fields." A colloquium presented at the N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC. Fall 1975 and at the University of West Florida, Pensacola Fl. Spring 1977

"Two Nucleon Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials (SWEPs). (With P. B. Burt) " General American Physical Society Meeting, Miami Beach Fl., 1977. Abstract published in Bulletin of APS 19, 1261 (1977).

"A sine-Gordon Solitary Wave Exchange Potential." Presented at SESAPS, Virginia Beach, Va., 1976. Abstract Published in Bulletin of APS 22, 495 (1977).

"Application of Self-Interacting Quantum Fields to Fermion-Antifermion Scattering." (With P. B. Burt). Joint APS and SESAPS Meeting. Atlanta, Ga., Fall (1974). Abstract published in Bulletin of APS 19, 1129 (1974).


The Standard Model and Beyond: A descriptive account of fundamental Particles and the quest for the unification of their interactions. An invited paper presented at the 2000 National Society Black Physicists (NSBP) Meeting (Greensboro, NC, March 16- 18, 2000). Published in the 2000 NSBP proceedings.

The Deuteron: A Two-Point Boundary Value Eigensystem in Configuration Space, APS Bulletin 44,1568(1999)

PSWEPs in n-n Scattering, APS Bulletin 40, 1634 (1995) (With P. B. Burt of Clemson University)

Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials, Special theoretical Physics Symposium Proceedings. Edited by G. L. Strobel (Univ. of Georgia, Athens Sept 16, '94)

A Least-Squares Method for Extracting Phase Shifts. Computers in Physics, Sept./Oct. 63, 1989. (With W. E. Gettys of Clemson University).

1S0 - State Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts due to Solitary Wave Exchange Potentials. Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento 36, 513 (1983).

Correspondence Between Nonlinear Generalizations of the Klein-Gordon Equation and Generalizations of the Sine-Gordon Equation. Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento 31, 89 (1981). (With J. L. Reid of University of Georgia).

Remarks on Solitary Exchange Potentials. Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento 32, 23 (1981). (With P. B. Burt of Clemson).

On Two Nucleon Solitary Exchange Potentials: Addenda. Acta Physica Polonica B10, 823 (1979). (With P. B. Burt of Clemson U.).

Solitary Wave Exchange NN Potentials, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 41, 562 (1

On Two Nucleon Solitary Exchange Potentials, Acta Physica Polonica B9, 459 (1978). (With P. B. Burt).

A Sine-Gordon Solitary Exchange Two-Nucleon Potentials (S. G. SWEP). Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento 16, 463 (1976).

Persistent Self-Interactions in Sine-Gordon Theory. Acta Physica Polonica B7, 729 (1976). (With P. B. Burt).

Modifications of Two-Nucleon Potentials due to Solitary Waves in Spin Zero Meson Fields. Nuovo Cimento 33A, 568 (1976).

Oscillations in Baryon-Antibaryon Elastic Cross-Sections. Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento 13, 104 (1974). (With P. B. Burt).


The Fundamental Forces of nature and the quest for their Unification. An essay that will be included in a CD ROM that will accompany a Physical Science textbook.

The Standard Model of Particles and Their Interactions, Physnet/CUPLE project, MSU, 1991-92

(Edited by P. Signell). Can be downloaded from m305.pdf

v = gt, A Milestone in Physics. The Physics Teacher (TPT) 18, 312 (1980).

Instant Ignition of Sodium Arc Lamps. TPT 18, 319 (1980).

One of the Beautiful People, A letter to Science News 120, 1 (1981).