Phys 202     General Physics  I       Spring 2009

Text Book: Physiscs 7th  Edition (Wiley, 2007)

Professor: Dr. Mesgun Sebhatu, Sims 203. Office hrs: 10 - 10:50 MWF or by appointment

Brief description of the course and some advice: The PHYS 201-202 sequence covers the major branches of classical physics: PHYS 201 deals with mostly mechanics while PHYS 202 covers thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics. The course emphasizes understanding of fundamental physics concepts and principles as well as the development of conceptual and analytical problem solving skills by using physics concepts, principles and mathematics in the solution of various interesting and challenging real world problems. This course should also help you review and master your algebra, trigonometry, and enable you to appreciate your calculus by putting it to work in physics. In this course, rote memorization is discouraged. Formulas and constants will be provided even during a test. Use of calculators is encouraged. In fact, it would be difficult to survive the course without a good scientific calculator and the skill needed to use it to solve problems. PHYS 201-202 is primarily intended for students in the life and health sciences.  PHYS 201 is the first semester of a one-year general physics (PHYS 201-202) course that utilizes algebra and trigonometry. PHYS201 and 202 have the lab components PHYS 201L and 202L respectively. One must take PHYS 201 and 201L concurrently to get the 4-hour credit for PHYS 201.

The major objectives of PHYS 201-202 are:

·        Develop an understanding of basic concepts in physics that are the foundation for all science and technology

·        Develop conceptual and analytical problem solving skills that are indispensable for any professional in the life and health sciences

·        Develop an understanding of the role physics plays in everyday life and in technology

You will use WileyPlus to practice as well to submit homework that will be graded.

(Please click on the link <WileyPlus>and register immediately)                                                                                                                                             

Tentative Course Outline and Test Schedule

The course is divided into four convenient parts (I to IV). For each part, detailed study guides will be available on this website prior to each test. The study guides will be updated as needed from time to time. Please revisit the course website to have a current study guide and test date.

Tentative Course Outline and Test Schedule

The course is divided into four convenient units. There will be a test on each unit. Study guides will be posted for each unit.

Unit I: Thermodynamics

Ch. 12 Temperature, and Heat

Ch. 13. The Transfer of Heat

Ch. 14. The Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Theory

Ch.15 . Thermodynamics

Study Guide I 

Test 1:  Tuesday,  Feb. 24

Unit II: Electrostatics

h 22 & 23.Electric Charges and Electric Fields
Ch. 18 Electric Forces and Fields

Ch. 19 Electric Potential and    Electric Potential Energy

Ch. 20   Electric Circuits


Study Guide II

Test 2  Thursday , March   12

Unit III: Electromagnetism

 Ch. 21  Magnetic Forces and Fields

 Ch. 22. Electromagnetic Induction

  Ch. 23. Alternating Current Circuits

  Ch. 24. Electromagnetic Waves


Study Guide III

Test 3: Thursday,  April 16

Unit IV: Optics

Ch, 25. The Reflection of Light: Mirrors

Ch. 26. The Refraction of Light : Lenses and Optical Instruments   

Ch. 27. The Wave Nature of light  Study Guide IV

Test 4: Thursday ,  April 23


A Comprehensive Final Exam on units I. to IV. Wed.  April  30, 11:30AM -1:30PM

Computation of Final Grades : The best three test grades will contribute 10 % each (total from tests = 30%). Homework via  Problems as well as brief written explanations  ( 20%). The weekly lab grades will be averaged and contribute 25%. The comprehensive final will contribute 25%.

40% (Tests) +15%(Home Work; Problem solutions  and Writing  activities*) + 25% (Lab) + 20%(final) = 100 %

Even though class grade distribution may affect the assignment of the letter grades will be as follows:

Above 90% is an "A", 80% - 84% is a "B", 85%-89% is a"B+",70% - 74% is a "C",

75%-79% is a "C+" 60% - 64% is a "D", 65%-69% is a "D+" and below 60% is an "F".

 Makeup Tests: If a student misses one monthly test, he obtains a "0" for it and loses the opportunity to have his worst test score dropped. It will be dangerous to miss more than one test. There are no provisions for makeup tests under normal circumstances.

Class Attendance Policy: The attendance policy followed in this course is the same as that which appears in the current Winthrop University Catalog. Briefly, "If a student's absences in a course total 25% or more of the class meetings for the course, the student will receive a grade of N, F, or U, which ever is appropriate." Please read your catalog for details. The professor will determine when taking attendance is appropriate. If all the members of the class are present, there is no need to take attendance. Students who leave early or come excessively late for reasons that are not clear to the instructor may be marked absent. Class participation is a major requirement. The course will use a Personal Response System that records the participation of each student.

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