Preparing the Synopsis


For every assigned reading from the course text, you will prepare a synopsis of the work.  This is your ticket to enter the class discussion.  Without this, you will not be allowed to earn points for your class participation. This can be a bulleted list, several paragraphs, or a mixture of both.  Do not be surprised if you have to read the passage more than two or three times.  The synopsis should be typed and include the following:


1.      The author’s thesis – (i.e. The author argues that ___________).

2.      The author’s main supporting points for the thesis.

3.      Alternate perspective suggested by the author.

4.      A list of vocabulary words with definitions.

5.      A list of questions you have about the reading to include any paragraphs that you didn’t understand (don’t re-write the paragraph, just identify the page number, the column and the paragraph using numbers).

6.      Your thoughts about the reading.  Do you agree/disagree with the author?


The synopsis serves three purposes:

1.      Class Discussion Guide – the information you have compiled will help you be a more active participant in the class discussion of the reading.


2.      Documentation of Class Participation

a.       Highlight all the information from your synopsis that you brought up during the class discussion.

b.      Add to the synopsis and highlight information that you share that was not originally part of the synopsis.


3.      Guide for Your Paper – Take notes on the discussion so that you have ideas and information to use in your paper.


Each discussion day, the synopsis will be checked as you come to class.  During class, you will use the synopsis as a guide for discussion and you will take notes on ideas or comments that you and others make on the topic.  As you participate in the discussion, you should highlight the items that you mentioned in class.  At the end of class you will turn in your synopsis to earn both the synopsis and class participation grades.