CHEM407, Fall 1998, Dr. Pat Owens


Class Times:  Lecture 11:00-11:50 MWF SIMS105

Office Hours: SIMS108A - Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:30

Text:  Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, 1997, 6th ed.

Outline:  This is the first half of Physical Chemistry. During this semester we will cover all of Part II - Structure, Chapters 11-23 of the text.  These topics will be examined: Class Preparation: For each class I recommend that you do the following:
1. Read assigned lesson for upcoming lecture, take notes
2. Work assigned problems
3. Review previous lecture notes and chapter objectives
4. Rework previously assigned problems

Maaterials Required for Each Class: Text, Math text, Calculator, Pencil, and Paper

Graded Exercises

Grades: (You must score better than 50% on the final exam to pass the course)

A: 88-100%
B: 76-87%
C: 66-76%
D: 56-66%

Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings for the full scheduled time.