• 8/22 Week 1: Calibration Curves
    • Calibration graphs in instrumental analysis (Harris 4.8)
    • Curvilinear regression methods
    • Calculation of concentration and its random error
    • Calculation of unknown concentrations from nonlinear curves (Harris Box 4-2)
    • Linest Excel Function (Harris Section 4.7)
    • Problem Set 1: "Cadmium Calibration and Curvilinear Regression"
  • 8/29 Week 2: Degrees of Freedom, Analysis of Variance, and Comparison of Errors
    • Brereton Chemometrics, Sections 2.2.1-2.2.2
    • Calibration experimental design
    • Variance, Sum of Squares (SS), and Degrees of Freedom (DOF)
    • Total Sum Squares (SStot), Regression SS (SSregr), Residual SS (SSres), and Coefficient of Determination (R2)
    • Replicate Sum of Squares (SSrepl) and Lack of Fit Sum of Squares (SSlof)
    • Problem Set 2: "Sum of Squares Calculation," Sum of Squares Classroom Handout
  • 9/5 Week 3: Internal Standard Quantitative Methods, Detection Limits, Class Example
    • Internal standard (IS) methodology (Harris 5-4)
    • Response factor IS methods
    • Response ratio IS methods
    • Limits of detection (Harris 5-2)
    • Problem Set 3
  • 9/12 Week 4: Standard Addition Quantitative Method Class Example
    • Method of standard additions (Harris 5-3)
    • Problem Set 4: Class handout
  • 9/19 Week 5:
    • Propagation of Uncertainty from Random Errors (Harris 3-4)
    • Review of 1st and 2nd order calibration, internal standard, and standard addition methods
    • Detection limit calculations
  • 10/3 Week 7: Descriptive Statistics
    • Brereton Chemometrics: A.3: Basic Statistical Concepts, Harris (4-1, 4-2)
    • Mean, median, standard deviation, variance, covariance, correlation coefficient
    • Normal distribution, Log-normal distribution
    • Confidence limits
    • Presentation of results and uses of confidence limits
    • Homework: Problem Set: "Statistical Analysis of Charlotte-Rock Hill Air Quality Data"
  • 10/10 Week 8: Inferential Statistics
    • Brereton Chemometrics: A.3: Basic Statistical Concepts, Harris (4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6)
    • p values
    • t-tests: experimental mean with known value, two experimental means, paired t-test
    • One-sided and two-sided tests
    • F-Tests
    • Outliers and Q tests
    • Conclusions from significance tests
  • 10/17 Week 9: Analytical Quality
    • Harris: Chapter 5
    • False positive (alpha) errors, false negative (beta) errors
    • Detection Limit (DL), Limit of Quantification (LOQ), reporting of “No-detect” results
    • Standard Reference Materials
    • Quality Samples: Blanks (reagent, method, field), Spikes (Calibration check, Extract, Sampling Media)
    • Statistical Process Control (SPC), Shewhart Mean and Range Control Charts
    • Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing
    • Homework: Problem Set “Control Chart Problem
  • 10/24 Week 10: Design Matrices and Modeling
    • Brereton Chemometrics, Sections 2.2.3, Matrix Algebra handout
    • Mathematical models to describe experimental data
    • Matrices
    • Determining the model
    • Predictions, root-mean-square errors of calibration and prediction
    • Homework: Problem Set “Predicting Daily Maximum Ozone Concentrations
  • 10/31 Week 11: Matrix Algebra
  • 11/7 Week 12: Introduction to Matlab and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)
  • 11/14 Week 13: Introduction to Principal Components Analysis (PCA)