#DNA Examine reset rotate y 90 define bio (protein or dna) restrict bio select protein spacefill off wireframe off ribbon select dna wireframe 100 cartoons 250 color cartoons red select (10 AND G) OR (11 AND C) color yellow select 438 AND *.CA label "N-term" #Show zinc atoms and ligands # Emphasize separate modules. define zincs zn select 440-470 color orange color backbone orange color rockets orange color cartoons orange color trace orange select 475-504 color magenta color backbone magenta color rockets magenta color cartoons magenta color trace magenta select zincs spacefill 300 color purple define ligs within(8.0,zincs) AND (cys OR his) select ligs color yellow select ligs or zincs wireframe 150 select (463 or 464 or 497 or 452 or 474) and (*:A) wireframe 200 color amino select 474:A and *.CA label "arom cluster"