MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_NextPart_01C7E0DF.55799A30" This document is a Single File Web Page, also known as a Web Archive file. If you are seeing this message, your browser or editor doesn't support Web Archive files. Please download a browser that supports Web Archive, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. ------=_NextPart_01C7E0DF.55799A30 Content-Location: file:///C:/6115DE0C/chem105info.html.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" General Chemistry I Course Information

(Office Hours: SIMS312A- TR 4:00-5:15 PM)

Course Texts:&nbs= p; Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight, 4th= Ed, Atkins & Jones, 2008

Course Objectives:

Course Outline: This is the first half of General Chemistry, a rigorous chemistry course for incoming science majors.  Winthrop's Chemistry Department recommends t= hat students either score above 500 on the Math SAT (20 ACT) or complete MATH201 (Calculus I) prior to taking CHEM10= 5.  Chemistry is an intensive problem solving course that requires a firm foundation in quantitative thinking.  Empirical data clearly show that Winthrop students without this demonstrated preparation are at much greater risk to earn unsatisfactory grades in CHEM105.

The class will cover a wide range of modern chemical topics.&n= bsp; The thematic focus of the semester will be "Structure and Energy."  The sequence of topics initially parallels the formatio= n of our universe, beginning with light, followed by examination of nuclei, then atoms, building to molecules, and finally collections of molecules culminat= ing in examination of the materials modern societies rely upon for quality of l= ife.

All chemistry is based upon physics; a good deal of classroom discussion will focus on underlying physical principles.  For example, molecules, liquids, and solids are held together nearly entirely by electrostatic charges (Coulombic attractions).&= nbsp; The exchange between kinetic and potential energy and the distribution of kinetic energies among large groups of particles represent fundamental conc= epts used extensively throughout all science and engineering disciplines.  Thermodynamics will be closely examined this semester to provide an early introduction for students and to allow the discussion of intermolecular for= ces, boiling points, vapor pressures and other topics to be presented from a thermodynamic perspective..

Over 80% of our nation's energy needs come from chemical energy production; most of the rest from nuclear power.  We will examine these subjects and develop a fundamental understanding= of these processes; we will examine and discuss the inherent limitations on en= ergy production governed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Because of its relevance, students usually find this material to be quite interesting.  During the semester, we will examine these specific subjects:

  • Electromagne= tic Radiation
  • Nuclear Chem= istry
  • Atomic Struc= ture
  • Bonding and Molecular Structure
  • Reaction Energetics
  • Thermodynami= cs, Entropy, Free Energy and Spontaneity
  • States of Ma= tter and Intermolecular Forces
  • Physical Equilibria
  • Solutions

Schedule: Cla= sses are scheduled TR at the appointed hour in Sims105. The course syllabus prov= ides the specific lecture schedule.  All course information is posted on the chemistry department's web page (chem.winthrop.edu).

Class Preparation: You are responsible for all assigned material and for all material discusse= d in lecture.  You are expected to take detailed notes during each lecture = and will be responsible for everything discussed in class throughout the remain= der of the course.  For each class I recommend that you do the following: =

  • Read assigne= d lesson for upcoming lecture, take notes
  • Work assigned problems; take whatever time is required to understand and to quickly demonstrate an understanding of the assigned exercises for the upcoming lesson
  • Review previ= ous lecture notes and take whatever time is required to master the material covered in the previous class
  • Rework previ= ously assigned problems

Graded Exercises<= /b>

  • Unannounced = 20 point quizzes will be periodically given at the beginning of class to evalua= te student understanding of the previous lecture and student understandin= g of pre-learning exercises assigned for that day's lesson.
  • Problem sets= and homework exercises will be worth 20 points each.
  • Chapter quiz= zes will be worth 30 points each.
  • One book rep= ort will be weighted 50 points.
  • Two 100 poin= t tests will be given on the dates noted in the syllabus.
  • The final ex= am (part may include an American Chemical Society test) will cover the entire semester and will be worth 300 points.

Grades: Perce= ntages will be calculated based upon total earned points divided by total points tested. You must score better than 50% on the final exam to pass the course= .  The following grade range will be used: A: 93-100%, A- 88-92%, B+: 85-87% B: 80-85%, B-: 76-79%, C+: 72-75% C: 66-71%, D: 56-66%, F: <66%

Attendance: Y= ou are expected to attend all class meetings for the full scheduled time.  A student who is absent for any reason is responsible for obtaining the assignments from the instructor or a classmate. Roll will be taken occasion= ally and the attendance practices of students will be taken into account when fi= nal grades are assigned. Absence from a test or quiz without a written doctor's excuse or similar external agency valid documentation is inexcusable. = An unexcused student absence will result in a zero for the missed grade AND a deduction of 20-100 points (determined by the weight of the missed test) fr= om the student's previously earned points in the course.  For excused absences, missed exercises will not be included for neither earned nor total points when calculating overall course grades. <= /p>

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