Geology 250 Earth and Space Systems (Section 003)

Meets Monday & Wednesday 6:30 pm Sims 201


For information regarding the class text book, reading assignments and grading policy please click on the Syllabus



Homework Assignments: Homework #1.pdf, Homework #2.pdf, Homework #3.pdf, Homework #4.pdf, Homework #5.pdf, Homework #6.pdf


SC Science Academic Standards - November 2005 and Common Core Standards for Mathematics for your Laboratory Notebook and Lesson Plans


Lecture Notes/Powerpoint Presentations (subject to change):

NOTE some topics covered in lecture or in the book are not available on Powerpoint slides.  You will still be responsible for that material during the tests. Take NOTES!




Universe and Big Bang.ppt


Universe after the Big Bang.ppt


Solar System.ppt


Earth-Moon System.ppt


Lunar Phases.ppt




Climate Animations.ppt




Weather 1.ppt


Global Climate.ppt




Stream Animations.ppt










Coastal Processes.ppt




Plate Tectonics.ppt


Plate Boundaries.ppt






Igneous Rocks.ppt


Sedimentary Rocks.ppt


Metamorphic Rocks.ppt




Relative Time.ppt


Absolute Time.ppt





Climate Presentation: You will be assigned a partner.  Each pair will investigate prepare and present a short presentation on the climate at an assigned global location.  Your presentation will include a poster on a letter sized file folder and an in class presentation (you may use visuals for your presentation).  The work product will be worth up to 25 points of your lecture grade.   Climate presentation rubric.pdf


Mineral Presentation: You will be assigned a partner.  Each pair will investigate prepare and present a short presentation on the climate at an assigned global location.  Your presentation will include a poster on a letter sized file folder and an in class presentation (you may use visuals for your presentation).  The work product will be worth up to 25 points of your lecture grade.   Mineral presentation rubric.pdf



Lecture Paper: You will prepare a paper or other research based work product that will be worth 100 points.  There are several options available.  Please read through the requirements for each carefully.  If you have any questions, please check with me, for approval.  The requirements and options are on the Research Topic Rubric.pdf


Final Study Guide – The Final will be cumulative covering all topics presented.  The following topics are likely to appear on the final.  With the exception of the Time Line, which will be assigned ahead of the Final, questions will be multiple choice, short sentence, Cloze, and True/False.  The approximate weight for each section is provided.