Course Information


CHEMISTRY 106                                                                                         FALL 2006

Lecture:          MW  5-6:15, SIMS 105

Instructor:      Mrs. Kristen Kull
                        Office:  SIMS 115
                        Office hours:  MW 3-4, or by appointment
                        Phone:  323-4921


Textbook:        Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 6th ed.  Kotz, Treichel, and Weaver


Course Objectives:   

*   To learn to think scientifically, developing problem solving and critical thinking skills.
*   To demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles presented in each chapter

*   To gain knowledge of practical applications of chemistry in our society and our environment

*   To get an appreciation of the vital part chemistry plays in our daily life

Outline:  This is the second semester of General Chemistry, an introductory

chemistry course for science and engineering students. The course will cover a wide range of modern topics from the chemical sciences. During this semester we will examine these subjects:

                          *   Kinetics
                          *   Chemical Equilibrium

                          *   Acid-Base and Aqueous Equilibria
                          *   Chemical Thermodynamics
                          *   Electrochemistry
                          *   The Chemistry of the Main Group Elements

                          *   Nuclear Chemistry


Study Tips:     1.  Read all assigned material, before and after hearing a lecture on it
                         2.  Attend class, take good notes, ask questions
                         3.  Work assigned problems

                         4.  Review lecture notes


Tests:                Test 1 - September 18  
                          Test 2 – October 18
                          Test 3 – November 29   

                          Final Exam - December 6, 5-6:30, Sims 105


The schedule is tentative and may be revised if deemed necessary



Exams and Grading:

  1. No make-up exams will be given.  Tentative exam dates are noted on the syllabus.  If you miss an exam with a valid excuse, your final exam grade will replace the missed exam grade scaled to 100 points.
  2. There will be quizzes and homework assignments graded throughout the semester.  Your lowest grade on one of these events will be dropped before calculating final grades. No make-up quizzes will be given.  If you miss a quiz or forget your homework for any reason, the missed assignment grade will be the grade that is dropped.
  3. There will be a comprehensive final exam. You must take the final exam to pass the course.
  4. You should carefully read the Winthrop University Student Conduct Code printed in the Winthrop University Student Handbook.


Course Points:


Occurrences @ point value



3 @ 100


Quizzes *

3 @ 25


Homework *

3 @ 25


Final Exam

1 @ 200


Total Points



You will need a calculator for exams and most quizzes.  Sharing of calculators is not allowed.  You cannot use a cell phone as a calculator during exams and quizzes. 


* Quizzes will periodically be given (see schedule) and homework will periodically be collected for grading.


Grading Scale:            A:     88 - 100%
                                    B:     76 - 88%
                                    C:     66 - 76%
                                    D:     56 - 66%

Attendance:  You are expected to attend all class meetings. You are responsible for all announcements made in class. Absence or lateness does not excuse you from this responsibility. Absence from a test without a written doctor's excuse is inexcusable and the student will receive a zero for that test. Absence from a test with a doctor's excuse will be accepted and the grade on the final exam will replace that specific grade.


Drop Policy:  As described in the Winthrop University Undergraduate catalog.


Lab:  CHEM 106 has a co-requisite laboratory course (CHEM 108). You must be registered for both courses, unless previous credit has been given. If you decide to drop CHEM 106, you must also drop CHEM 108 and vice-versa


Students with Disabilities: Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access

to education. If you have a disability and need accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with disabilities immediately at 323-3290.  Once you have your Professor Notification Form, please tell me so I am aware of your accommodations well before the first quiz.