CHEM 101 Homework Assignment – What is in your favorite product?


Look around your house, apartment, or dorm room.  Do you have any personal care products (shampoo, soap, lotion, cosmetics), cleaning products, or food?


For this assignment, pick a product from around your house containing at least three ingredients excluding water (if your product has more than three ingredients, just pick three from the list) and write a 1 – 2 page essay for each ingredient describing that ingredient.  Answer the following questions in your essay:


1.  How is the ingredient manufactured?

2.  What are the physical and chemical properties of the ingredient?

3.  What can you find out about the toxicity of the ingredient?

4.  What are some other uses for the ingredient?


Turn in your paper on the due date indicated on the course schedule (


The paper will be graded for content and writing using the homework grading rubric on Dr. Hanna’s CHEM 101 page at


This assignment must be typed using a 12-pt font, doubled spaced, with no more than 1 inch margins.