CHEM 101 Homework Assignment – Green Chemistry


Green Chemistry is the designing of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances.  For this assignment, investigate a green chemistry practice and write a 1 – 2 page essay describing this practice.  Include the following in your essay:


            A description of the chemistry involved

            How this practice reduces or eliminates hazardous substances

            What you think about this green chemistry practice


A good place to start is the ACS Green Chemistry Institute (a link is provided on Dr. Hanna’s CHEM 101 Page at


Turn in your paper on the due date indicated on the course schedule.


The paper will be graded for content and writing using the homework grading rubric on Dr. Hanna’s CHEM 101 Page at


This assignment must be typed using a 12-pt font, doubled spaced, with no more than 1 inch margins.