CHEM 101 Homework Assignment – Chemistry and Your Major


Adapted from Pence, L. E. J. Chem. Ed. 2004, 81, 764


For this assignment, write a 1 – 2 page essay on how chemistry relates to your major.  Here are some ideas for topics.  You may choose one of these, or pick another one that interests you:


Art:  Discuss ways that chemistry is used to restore paintings.


Business/Economics:  Discuss the impact of the chemical industry on the global economy.


Communication:  Define the common public image of the chemical industry, and explain how large chemical companies attempt to provide a positive public image


Dance:  Discuss ways chemistry concepts have been communicated through dance.


Education:  Describe a scientific classroom activity and explain what the students will learn.


English:  Discuss how Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, influenced the American public, government, and industry with respect to pesticides.


Environmental Studies:  Discuss how Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, influenced the American public, government, and industry with respect to pesticides.


Health/PE:  Discuss the effect of anabolic steroids on health.



Turn in your paper on the due date indicated on the course schedule (


The paper will be graded for content and writing using the homework grading rubric on Dr. Hanna’s CHEM 101 page at


This assignment must be typed using a 12-pt font, doubled spaced, with no more than 1 inch margins.