Chemistry 301-001: Organic Chemistry

Dr. T. Christian Grattan (Office Sims 301B)

Spring 2016 Winthrop University

MWF 11:00-12:15 PM (SIMS 105)

4 Credit hours


Textbooks: Organic Chemistry, 6th ed., Loudon, Parise REQUIRED

Molecular Model Kit, ask Dr. Grattan  RECOMMENDED


Learning goals and outcomes: My goal for this course is to clearly explain the fundamental concepts of organic chemistry and how they are incorporated into chemical reactions and mechanisms in accordance with departmental objectives. The students should be able to:


  1. Become proficient in organic nomenclature from structure to name and name to structure for the various derivatives emphasized in the course (alkanes, alkenes..etc)
  2. Understand bonding and three-dimensional shape of organic molecules for a better understanding of energetic stability and preferred reactivity.
  3. Identify functional group conversion or transformation given any two of the following: starting material, reagents and products for various chemical reactions and the energy that drives each process.
  4. Become proficient in mechanistic organic chemistry to explain how the reactions are converted to products with emphasis on electron movement arrows, intermediate charge and resonance involvement.
  5. Aromatic compound characteristics and reactivity with emphasis on energetic stability, resonance role in reactions and the various options available to aromatic substitution chemistry.
  6. Evaluate the kinetic and thermodynamic differences in a chemical reaction.
  7. Examine the physical properties of molecules and discuss the reasoning behind the differences.
  8. Develop and design multi-step synthetic processes to perform organic functional group interconversions.
  9. Become proficient in interpreting organic analytical such as NMR, IR and mass spectra.


Office Hours: M 2:00 PM-3:00 PM, T 1:00-2:00 PM, W 1:00-2:00 PM

or by appointment (323-4927 or


I will also be accessible to answer questions on email. You will find that this course is different than any other courses you have taken in college. It is therefore important to stay on top of the material and get your questions answered as soon as possible. Please take advantage of my office hours or email to resolve these problems.  

Attendance: Due to the unique nature of this course, each and every class meeting is important to better understand the material in the text. The students are responsible for all assignments for the course regardless of absence.


Homework and Assignments: Problems will be assigned from the text for each chapter, but will be graded for completion. I will also provide a problem set relating to each chapter that must be turned in on the assigned date. These assignments will be graded and a 5% penalty/day begins at the end of the class time when it is due. All of these problems will be used to construct chapter quizzes and exams. It is very important to understand the problems that are assigned and you are strongly encouraged to work and study in groups!!


Grading System:   

4 In-class Exams (100 points each)

400 points

Quizzes (Average of 8 best)

100 points


100 points

Final Exam

200 points


800 points


Grading Scale: The grading scale for this course will be based upon a typical 93-100% (A), 90-93% (A-), 87-89% (B+), 83-86% (B), 80-83 (B-), 77-79% (C+), 70-76% (C), 60-69% (D) < 60%(F) distribution using the total points in the course.


Exams: This course will consist of four one hour in-class exams and one cumulative final exam given on the dates provided. Exam problems will be similar to the assigned problems. Each exam is limited to the allotted class time and the final exam will be limited to two and one-half hours. Make up exams will be given only with a valid excuse such as a severe personal or family crisis. 

Exam 1

Monday February 8

11:00-12:20 PM

Exam 2

Friday March 4

11:00-12:20 PM

Exam 3

Monday April 4

11:00-12:20 PM

Exam 4

Friday April 22

11:00-12:20 PM

Final Exam

Tuesday May 3

8:00 – 10:30 AM








S/U and Withdrawal Policy: According to University policy, Friday January 15, 2016 is the last day to drop this course. Wednesday, March 9, 2016 is the last day to withdraw from a spring semester course or to declare S/U for the course.


Student code of conduct: As noted in the Student Code of Conduct: Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals. Violations of the code of conduct found in the Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy will be dealt with as described in the policy.




Students with Disabilities Policy: Because each students needs are unique, accommodations are provided based on current, appropriate documentation of disability and needs. Students with disabilities are responsible for 1) identifying themselves to the course instructor, 2) providing documentation, 3) using agreed upon academic accommodations. For further information about services for students with disabilities, call 803/323‑3290 (V/TDD).


Cheating: Infractions of academic discipline are dealt with in accordance with the student Academic Misconduct Policy which is in the Student Conduct Code in the Student Handbook. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to,

providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the professor in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation including papers, projects, and examinations; presenting, as one’s own, the ideas or words of

another for academic evaluation without proper acknowledgment; doing unauthorized academic work for which another person will receive credit or be evaluated; and presenting the same or substantially the same papers or projects

in two or more courses without the explicit permission of the professors involved. In addition, academic misconduct involves attempting to influence one’s academic evaluation by means other than academic achievement or merit.


Academic Success Center: Winthrop’s Academic Success Center is a free resource for all undergraduate students seeking to perform their best academically.  The ASC offers a variety of personalized and structured resources that help students achieve academic excellence, such as tutoring, academic skill development (test taking strategies, time management counseling, and study techniques), group and individual study spaces, and academic coaching.  The ASC is located on the first floor of Dinkins, Suite 106.  Please contact the ASC at 803-323-3929 or  For more information on ASC services, please visit


Winthrop University’s Office of Nationally Competitive Awards (ONCA) identifies and assists highly motivated and talented students to apply for nationally and internationally competitive awards, scholarships, fellowships, and unique opportunities both at home and abroad. ONCA gathers and disseminates award information and deadlines across the campus community, and serves as a resource for students, faculty, and staff throughout the nationally competitive award nomination and application process. ONCA is located in Dinkins 222B. Please fill out an online information form at the bottom of the ONCA webpage and email for more information.






Additional Help: You may access additional tutorials and internet web resources at:



IUPAC rules for nomenclature


Practice writing mechanisms


Org. rxn quizzes/summaries


Practice with synthesis problems


NMR/IR/Mass spec problems

CHEM 301 Class Lecture/Exam Schedule*





Jan. 11

Intro., Ch.1

March 7

Ch. 14

Jan. 13

Ch. 1

March 9

Ch. 15

Jan. 15

Ch. 1, Ch. 3

March 11

Quiz (Ch. 14), Ch. 15

Jan. 18


March 14

Spring Break

Jan. 20

Ch. 3

March 16

Spring Break

Jan. 22

Ch. 3, Ch. 2

March 18

Spring Break

Jan. 25

Quiz (Ch. 1,3), Ch. 2

March 21

Ch. 15, Ch. 9

Jan. 27

Ch. 2

March 23

Ch. 9

Jan. 29

Ch. 2, Ch. 7

March 25

Quiz (Ch. 15), Ch. 9, MS

Feb. 1

Ch. 7, Ch. 8

March 28

Ch. 10

Feb. 3

Quiz (Ch. 2,7,8), Review

March 30

Quiz (Ch. 9), Ch. 10

Feb. 5

Ch. 4

April 1


Feb. 8

Exam 1 (1,2,3,7,8)

April 4

Exam 3 (9,14,15)

Feb. 10

Ch. 4

April 6

Ch. 10, Ch. 11

Feb. 12

Ch. 4, Ch. 5

April 8

Ch. 11

Feb. 15

Ch. 5

April 11

Ch. 12

Feb. 17

Quiz (Ch. 4)

April 13

Quiz (Ch. 10,11), Ch. 12

Feb. 19

Ch. 5

April 15

Ch. 13

Feb. 22

Ch. 6

April 18

Ch. 13

Feb. 24

Quiz (Ch. 5), Ch. 6

April 20


Feb. 26

Ch. 6

April 22

Exam 4 (10,11,12,13)

Feb. 29

Quiz (Ch. 6), Ch. 14

April 25

Final Review

March 2


May 3

Final exam 8:00-10:30 AM

March 4

Exam 2 (4,5,6)




*This is a tentative schedule for lecture and exams (other than the Final Exam). Any changes to this schedule will be announced in class and through email.