CHEM 502 - Instrumental Analysis

Section 001, Course# 11641, 3.0 Credit Hrs – Fall 2009


Time/Location: 12:30 - 1:45 TR / Sims 302

Professor: Dr. Cliff Calloway,

Office/Phone: 312-B Sims Hall / 323-4945

Office Hours: MWF 10:00 - 12:00 {And other times by appointment….please don’t hesitate to contact me.}

Textbook: Skoog, D.A., Holler, F.J., Crouch, S.R.  Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6thedition, 2007.

Pre-requisites:  Grade of C or better in Chem 313, 314 and Chem 301



Chemical analysis methods are frequently used in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, environmental, geological, materials development, forensic, medical, nutritional, and industrial labs. The scientists and engineers conducting research and development for these industries often seek answers to chemical identity, structure, or amounts.  As such, chemical analysis plays a critical role in scientific development.  Qualitative and quantitative methods of chemical analysis for organic, biochemical, and inorganic compounds fall into two categories….classical (or wet) methods and instrumental methods. In Chemistry 313/314, we surveyed some classical methods of analysis, including titration, gravimetric and volumetric analysis, as well as some instrumental methods of analysis (gas & liquid chromatography, atomic & molecular spectrometry, and electrochemistry). Although there is not always a clear barrier between the two, the primary difference arises from the type of physical property used to provide information. Classical methods often rely on reactivity or physical properties such as solubility, color, melting and/or boiling points, odors, or refractive indices for qualitative information, while gravimetric, volumetric, and titrimetric measurements provide quantitative information.  Classical methods for the separation of mixtures are mainly solvent extractions, precipitation, and distillation. Instrumental methods of analysis typically utilize other physical properties such as absorption or emission of light, mass-to-charge ratio, electrode potential, current, or charge measured with modern sophisticated electronic devices.  Separations are carried out by more efficient chromatography and electrophoresis methods.

Instrumental methods of analysis certainly extend well beyond the chemistry lab. Unfortunately, some scientists view and utilize these instruments as "black boxes". The term implies a device in which the scientist places a sample and somehow a number is generated that influences the scientist’s decision-making process. It should be apparent that this approach could be dangerous, as the old saying "Garbage In/Garbage Out" is often true. As such any scientist using sophisticated instrumental equipment needs at least a basic understanding of how these devices are designed to work.

Course Goals:

Instrumental Analysis is a broad and continually expanding subject as new technologies emerge, but these methods can generally be categorized as spectroscopic, electrochemical, or chromatographic.  In this course, we will essentially take the cover off these "black boxes" to see how these instruments are constructed and how measurements are made from the underlying chemical and physical properties of the substance.  In fact, you are likely to see instrumentation represented from other courses you’ve taken, demonstrating the broad impact instrumentation has in science.  Quantitative problem solving will be utilized as a means to demonstrate the chemical and physical principles applied to the design and performance of instruments.

The goal of this course is NOT to make you an "expert" on every type of instrumentation to be encountered in a science lab, but rather to introduce and educate you to the common principles as well as the variety of instrumentation available for chemical analysis and the type(s) of information these instruments provide. It is my hope that you will then expand your knowledge of the instruments you come into contact with during your scientific career, thereby avoiding the "black box" problem.

Specific Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, you should be able to demonstrate:


Student Conduct Code:  “Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals.”  Since all graded work (including homework to be collected, quizzes, papers, mid-term examinations, final examination, research proposals, laboratory results and reports, etc.) are used in the determination of academic progress, no collaboration on such work is permitted unless the instructor explicitly indicates that some specific degree of collaboration is allowed. This statement is not intended to discourage students from studying together, seeking help from the instructor, or working together on assignments that are not to be collected.  Refer to the “Academic Misconduct Policy” in the online Student Handbook 

Grades in this course will be determined from three sources, as follows:

 Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

94 - 100%:































You are expected to attend each class meeting for the full scheduled time.  Instrumental Analysis is a difficult upper-level course and this will help you to concentrate on the appropriate material and reinforce the assigned readings and problems.  You are required to bring pencil, paper, textbook, and a scientific calculator to each class.  Cell phone calculators are not acceptable.


Students with Disabilities:

Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education.  If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290.  Once you have your official notice of accommodations from Services for Students with Disabilities, please inform me as early as possible in the semester.


Additional Requirements for Graduate Level Credit:

Students wishing to receive graduate level credit for this course are required to complete a 5-7 page review paper on a cutting edge analytical technique.  Resources can be found by reviewing either the “Fundamentals Review” or “Applications Review” issues of the journal, Analytical Chemistry (June 15th issue of even & odd years, respectively).  The paper must cite a minimum of 10 primary literature sources and must be submitted by December 8, 2009.  Graduate students should be aware that Winthrop’s +/- grading system is not applicable to courses taken for graduate credit.  Letter grades will be assigned as follows: 92%-100% A; 83%-91% B; 74%-82% C, 55%-73% D.


Syllabus Changes:

While unlikely, the Professor reserves the right to change the course syllabus if circumstances dictate.  You will be notified of any change through class meetings and/or email.



Course Calendar:                   *Revised – August 25, 2009

Tentative Schedule*:






Lecture Sections


T, 25-August


Introduction, Ch.1


R, 27-August


Ch. 2A


T, 1-September


Ch. 2B-C


R, 3-September


Ch. 3A-C


T, 8-September


Ch. 5A-B


R, 10-September


Ch. 5C


T, 15-September


Ch. 6A-B; Review


R, 17-September


Exam 1 (Ch. 1-3C, 5)


T, 22-September


Ch. 6C-D


R, 24-September


Ch. 7A-B


T, 29-September


Ch. 7C-E


R, 1-October


Ch 7F-7I


T, 6-October


Ch. 13


R, 8-October


Ch. 15


T, 13-October


Ch. 16A; Review


R, 15-October


Exam 2 (Ch. 6-7, 13, 15)


T, 20-October


Fall Break


R, 22-October


Ch. 16B-C


T, 27-October


Ch. 18A


R, 29-October


Ch. 18B-C


T, 3-November


Ch. 19A-C


R, 5-November


Ch. 19D-H


T, 10-November


Ch. 26A-F; Review


R, 12-November


Exam 3 (Ch. 16, 18, 19)


T, 17-November


Ch. 29A-C


R, 19-November


Ch. 30A-B


T, 24-November


Ch. 30C-E; Review


R, 26-Novemberl


Thanksgiving Break


T, 1-December


Exam 4 (Ch. 26, 29, 30)


R, 3-December


Review & Course Evaluation


T, 8-December


Study Day


F, 11-December


Final Exam – 11:30 am


*Subject to change, if weather or events make it necessary.

Instrumental Analysis Student Competencies

Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th. ed., Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, 2007.

Chapter 1 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

Chapter 2 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 3 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

·         Understand purpose of an operational amplifier in instrument measurement including general structure of these integrated circuits

·         Understand difference between inverting and non-inverting inputs

·         Understand the operational modes used including comparator, voltage follower, and current follower

·         Know how operational amplifiers are used for current & voltage amplification

Chapter 5 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 6 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 7 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 13 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  


Chapter 15 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 16 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 18 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  


Chapter 19 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

Chapter 26 Student competencies

This chapter will be covered quickly for review of separation concepts.  You should be familiar with these and be able to:

·         Define chromatographic separation terms including partition coefficient, retention time, retention volume, adjusted retention time and volume, capacity factor, relative retention, number of plates, and plate height

·         Understand the major driving forces that lead to chromatographic band broadening, including multiple path, longitudinal diffusion, and mass transfer.

·         Understand the factors that influence resolution in chromatographic systems.

·         Apply chromatographic systems to problems of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Chapter 29 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

·         Describe supercritical fluids including properties relative to gases and liquids, such as density, diffusion, and viscosity.

·         Draw a block diagram for SFC instrument.

·         Give examples of types of detectors used in SFC

·         Compare advantages & disadvantages of SFC relative to HPLC and GC.

·         Describe the effect of pressure on chromatograms.

·         Describe the advantageous properties of supercritical carbon dioxide

·         Compare supercritical fluid and liquid-liquid extractions.

Chapter 30 Student competencies

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:  

·         Describe the separation mechanism in electrophoresis.

·         Describe common current applications of electrophoresis.

·         Draw a block diagram of a CE system.

·         Compare CE and slab electrophoresis.

·         Relate migration velocity to field strength and electrophoretic mobility.

·         Describe how the structural features of substance influence electrophoretic mobility.

·         Calculate plate height and number of plates in a capillary.

·         Describe the mechanism of electroosmotic flow, and the effect on positive, negative, and neutral analytes

·         Use van Deemter’s equation to compare separation efficiency relative to HPLC & GC

·         Discuss electrokinetic and hydrodynamic (pressure) injection methods in CE

·         Give examples of common detectors used in CE