Marine Provinces

Thurman and Trujillo, Chapter3; be sure to read box3.1 (Mapping from space)

Objectives:  Students should be able to:

1.      Describe the characteristics (in detail)  of continental margins, the deep ocean basins and the mid-ocean ridges

2.      Discuss the influence that plate tectonics has on these characteristics

Bathymetry – echo sounder, side-scan sonar, seabeam, satellites

Continental margins- edges of the continental block

·        continental shelf

·        continental slope: submarine canyons, turbidity currents

·        continental rise:

·        active and passive margins

Deep ocean basins:

·        Abyssal plain - interrupted by abyssal hills, seamounts, and tablemounts (guyots)

·        Deep sea trenches – associated with volcanic arcs and Ring of Fire

Mid-ocean ridges and rises (MORs)