Life in the Ocean

o    Sverdrup et al., Chap 11:  Read sections 11.1-11.4, 11.8, 11.15; omit sections 11.5-11.7, 11.9-11.14

o    Sverdrup et al., Chap 12:  Read generally, but important details in section 12.3 and power point presentation 

Objectives:  Students should be able to

1.      discuss classification schemes for planktonic and benthic organisms and give examples

2.      discuss the causes and solutions for overfishing

3.      discuss the distribution of life on earth- land vs. ocean and pelagic vs. benthic

PLANKTON (floaters)

·         Phytoplankton (plants) vs. zooplankton (animals)

·         Amount of life as plankton:  meroplankton vs. holoplankton

NEKTON (swimmers)

·         Fisheries and overfishing:  causes and possible solutions

BENTHOS (bottom dwellers):  epifauna (on top) vs. infauna (within)

Distribution of life in oceans

·         Land (86%) vs. sea (14%):  sea is very stable environment

·         Benthic (98%) vs. pelagic (2%): lots of different habitats