Geology 220, Homework #1                                                  Due on Tuesday, Sept. 8

Fall 2009


Log on to a computer that has audio.   Go to


There you will find a radio broadcast entitle “Importing Sand; Glass May Help Restore Beaches”.  Humans love to try to control nature.  Beach sand is in short supply in some coastal areas; the broadcast discusses some reasons, options, and challenges. 


Waves move sediment parallel to the shoreline as illustrated below.  But notice that certain man-made structures interfere with the flow of sediments, causing some area to be starved of sediments (erosion) while other areas have an abundance of sediments (deposition).  If you factor in storms (which tend to move sediment offshore, away from the coast), sea level rise (natural or anthropogenic), and the fact that most people live very close to the ocean, we have quite a dilemma. 



After listening to the broadcast, please (1) summarize the options that are being considered for beach renourishment in this specific area, (2) explain why “doing nothing” is not an option that was presented, and (3) explain what you think is the “best” option.