Sverdrup et al, Chapter 1

Students should be able to:

1.       Describe the general history of our knowledge of the oceans.

2.       Discuss the changes in reasons for use of the oceans over human history

3.       Discuss specific significant advances/discoveries/achievements of selected individuals or groups.

EARLY HISTORY - trade, fishing      

Phoenicians: approx. 1000 BC  

Greeks: approx. 500 BC

·         Erathosthenes, librarian at Alexandria (about 200 BC) – circumference

·         Pliny the Elder – linked phases of moon to tides

·         Ptolemy (150 AD) – ocean much more vast; used latitude and longitude

Middle Ages: approx. 500 AD; almost 1000 years with little exploration

·         Vikings: approx. 1000 AD

·         Arabs:  explored Indian Ocean

Polynesians: especially important from 300 - 600 AD

AGE OF DISCOVERY: 1492-1522; economic, political and religious reasons


·         Prince Henry the Navigator 

·         Bartholemeu Dias (1487)

·         Vasco Da Gama (1498)


·         Columbus (1492)

·         Vespucci (~1500) 

·         Balboa (1513)

·         Magellan (1522)

·         Spanish Armada defeated in 1588 by British; end of Spanish rule of seas

Discovery with some scientific interests:

·         James Cook: 1768-1780 - HMS Endeavour – used accurate chronometer

·         Ben Franklin: 1769

·         Matthew Fontaine Maury: early 1800s – Naval Depot of Charts


·         CHALLENGER EXPEDITION: 1872-1876; first wholly oceanographic expedition

·         Fridtjoh NANSEN (Norwegian; end of 1800s)

·         Meteor Expedition (1925-27) – led by Germans

MODERN OCEANOGRAPHY: complex instruments, international, interdisciplinary, complex experiments, modern technology