Appendix K: Medical Examination Results

The physician must inform the employee of the results of the examination and provide the University with a written opinion.

The Physician must complete the following information, either on this form or on a separate attachment and must not reveal specific findings of diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure.

Physician's name:

Employee's name:

Date of visit:

Description of incident:

Recommendations for further medical follow-up? _____ Yes _____ No Please explain.

Results of the medical examination and associated tests:

Was there any medical condition discovered which might place the employee at increased risk due to the hazardous chemicals found in the laboratory?

____ Yes _____ No. Please explain.

Additional Comments:

The employee has been informed of the results of the medical examination and any medical condition that may require further examination or treatment.

Physician's Signature: __________________ 

Date: ________________